This subject seeks to develop skills in economic environment scanning through the discussion of topics such as aggregate demand analysis, the monetary system, monetary and fiscal policy interventions, international influences on domestic economies and the implications of electronic business open to the Cambodian population. The subject concentrates on Cambodia within regional Asian economic development.
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The Master of Science (MSc) at IIC is based Cambodia’s rapid movement into the digital age and in particular, the need for experts to service this growing field. The degree is designed give students a thorough working knowledge of computer science and information technology, including high-level management of data systems, expertise in the engineering of computer networks and advanced programming skills.
All aspects of modern business practice involve the use of information systems and computer technology. This is a field of rapid change and constant development. The master degree at IIC is structured to enable graduates to have the knowledge, skills and expertise to understand and adapt to advanced technological change. MSc graduates from IIC are situated to build much needed information networks that are modern, reliable and innovative, contributing to Cambodia’s growth.
Students will undertake 12 subjects over one-year of full-time study or two years part-time equivalent. Entry into the Master of Science in Information Systems (MSc) will require good standing at graduation in a bachelor’s degree in IT or a related field, such as mathematics, physics, electronics, engineering or architecture.
Methods for Developing Information Systems
This course studies the systems planning, development and implementation methods currently used in Cambodia. Topics such as reuse in systems development for compatibility, project management, quality assurance, and object-oriented analysis, design, and specification methods relevant to Cambodian business communication are examined. Finally, new possibilities in systems evolution and management for economic growth, including systems development frameworks, methodologies, tools and techniques are also discussed.
Statistical Data Analysis
This subject gives students the necessary background to successfully study IT. It includes statistical data analysis, sample design and variability, overview of survey methods and measurements, ANOVA, cross-tabulation, multiple regression, discriminant analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, MANOVA and conjoint analysis. These are all common statistical methods which underline the interpretative possibilities of computer-assisted analysis for research, data collection and data retrieval.
Development Technology
This course studies models of integrated system development environments in order to understand the science of technology used in development. Examples of these include the use of CASE tools to support the development of information systems; data, process and interface modeling techniques; and the exploration of development technologies for contemporary information systems types.
Group Support Systems
This subject takes a practical view of technologies management and technical issues relevant to groupware supported work, including email and calendaring, discussion databases, document databases, knowledge management, workflow, web integration, group dynamics, facilitation, face-to-face meeting systems, videoconferencing, internet, and ecommerce applications. These are now common uses of business communication systems in Cambodian commerce, and this subject gives students the opportunity to enhance their skills in these areas.
Information Management
Managing information is a vital aspect of modern business for development in Cambodia. Therefore this subject deals with contemporary issues facing information managers including planning, change management, reengineering, learning, evaluating investments in IS/IT, organizational impacts, and information management practice. The role of the information manager is examined closely in this subject.
Information Systems and Technology Strategy Formulation
This subject deals with information systems and information technology planning, including integration of business planning. This integration is important for Khmer industry and commerce in order to add value to existing levels of productivity. Determining organizational information needs and evaluating IS/IT investments are also covered in this subject.
Distributed Systems
This course is a technical subject aimed at improving skill in network systems. The ISO/OSI Model is studied, as are data communications theory, data communications implementation, client server architecture, distributed information systems, networked windowing systems, X.400/X.500 systems, inter-organizational computing.
Database Systems
This is an important subject covering logical and physical models. Transaction analysis, access paths, database navigation, logical access mappings, data access diagrams, database design and processing, and DBMS physical structures are all covered. Moreover, relational data structure, relational algebra and integrity, logging and recovery from failures, data dictionaries, help capability, and run-time access and data object binding are also examined.
Applied Decision Support Systems
This is a fundamental course for decision support systems (DSS). It includes model base and database and interface, with development, implementation and evaluation of executive information systems, groupware and expert systems. Special emphasis is put on the use of contemporary DSS software.
Business Analysis Methodologies
This subject looks at the alternative possibilities of computer application in information systems and data analysis. The nature of problem structuring and problem improvement, positivist and interpretivist views of organizational problem solving, uncertainty, and multiple and conflicting objectives in problem solving are covered. In addition, some of the following methodologies are examined in detail: Soft Systems Methodologies (SSM), Strategic Options Development Analysis (SODA), Interactive Planning (IP), Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST), and Strategic Choice Methodology
Project Management Systems
This subject is designed to be an introduction to project selection, management and evaluation, looking at basic forms of project organization structure, organizing large projects, team development, approaches to project planning and control, performance analysis, and quality assurance. In the Cambodian context, it is an important subject dealing with Project Management Information Systems, the control cycle, human behavior in a project setting, contractual issues, and conflict in project settings.
This course studies the use of hypertext, containing text but also tables and images. Methodologies for the creation, format, structure and usability of hypertexts are examined. Document format, structure and composition are also evaluated.
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